
Temperature simulation for quality assessment of batteries

23 Apr 2023

In this application note, Julabo describes how its temperature control system has been used by ProNES automation GmbH to check the quality and functionality of batteries in electric vehicles under real conditions. ProNES opted for a Julabo temperature control system because it met the minimum requirements of 9 kW heating capacity and 2 kW cooling capacity, as well as a powerful pump which met the required pressure of approx. 2 bar. The temperature range in the test processes is normally within a manageable range of +22.5°C to +45°C, and the system requires a separate, external reservoir as a buffer for the bath fluid. The PRESTO A45t process system, modified by Julabo to be integrated into the 'batterieinspektor,' met all the requirements of ProNES and its customers, and has proven successful in the quality assurance of batteries.

