
24/7 Quality control software with peer group reporting

22 May 2008

Quality control in a laboratory is used to ensure test results are accurate and precise. Randox Laboratories 24/7 quality control software has two functions: daily monitoring of analytical performance as part of laboratory QC; and comparing QC test results with laboratories worldwide.

The results of QC testing must be statistically analysed and closely monitored. 24/7 quality control software analyses QC test results and provides ‘at-a-glance’ assessment of QC performance. Levey-Jennings charts show daily QC standard deviations for up to three months, with alarm or rejected values highlighted. Histograms are used to monitor long-term trends by comparing average monthly standard deviations for up to 12 months. 24/7 can be used to compare instruments from different manufacturers within a laboratory. For groups of laboratories, 24/7 can be used to monitor analytical performance across the group.

24/7 also offers peer group reporting, enabling users to access peer group values from laboratories worldwide. The peer group is the group of laboratories using the same control, method and instrument. Target values and ranges are updated daily to provide the latest performance information for your peer group. Peer group reporting uses quality control samples with known values to detect errors and estimate bias.

Randox provides everything you need for laboratory quality control: quality control serum, 24/7 software with peer group reporting and the RIQAS EQA scheme for External Quality Assessment.

