3M Petrifilm Rapid Yeast and Mold Plate Receives AOAC-PTM Approval

7 Jan 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

3M Food Safety announced today that its new 3M™ Petrifilm™ Rapid Yeast and Mold Count Plate has received certification (#121301) from the AOAC Research Institute’s Performance Tested MethodsSM(PTM) Program.

The 3M™ Petrifilm™ Rapid Yeast and Mold Plate was first introduced in September 2013 as an indicator test that enables the detection of yeasts and molds in as little as 48 hours, faster than conventional agar methods. The AOAC-PTM certification validates 3M’s innovative test as equivalent to or better than standard reference methods for enumerating yeast and mold within food products including yogurt, sour cream, almonds, sliced apples, frozen bread dough, ready-made pie, sandwiches, dehydrated soup, fermented salami, and frozen ground beef patties.

The AOAC Research Institute bases certification of methods on independent study results demonstrating that a given method meets the claims expressed in package inserts. Specific studies performed as part of this certification involved robustness, inclusivity/exclusivity, and lot-to-lot/stability as well as comparison tests with FDA BAM and ISO reference methods.

“Easier colony interpretation and faster time to results are benefits that our food processing customers have quickly appreciated and been able to see before their very eyes since we introduced this new product in the fall,” said Eric Amann, global marketing manager with 3M Food Safety. “That said, having the affirmation that comes from AOAC Research Institute’s rigorous testing program provides another level of meaning and is exceptionally reassuring.”

3M Food Safety developed the new plate to expand the 3M Petrifilm technology that has become a worldwide standard due to its reliability and simplicity since being introduced 30 years ago. The technology has been rigorously tested to perform well on both low and high water activity foods, and will be especially useful for processors of grain, fruit and dairy products where yeast and mold control is particularly important. This new plate offers food processors a simplified solution for inoculation along with an easy, consistent way to interpret and enumerate colonies.

