5 new application eBooks to advance your research
Discover free downloads on the latest methods for spatial biology, ELISA applications, amino acid analysis, and more
29 Jun 2022

Did you know SelectScience® has a library of handy application eBooks that are free to download? Our eBooks feature the very latest methods and innovative technologies that will help you advance your research – from streamlining workflows to gaining maximum information from your experiments. In this feature, we highlight the latest application eBooks published on SelectScience.
This month, discover top tips to troubleshoot your ELISAs, learn how multi-omic multiplexing can advance the understanding of spatial biology, find advice on choosing the best antibodies for you experiments, and explore solutions for amino acid analysis. Plus, learn how FTIR spectroscopy can be used in biodiesel analysis, the detection of fake fish oil, catalytic studies, and more.
OMICS: Taking a multi-omic multiplexing approach to spatial biology

Multi-omics combines two or more individual omics studies such as genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metagenomics, allowing scientists to interpret and visualize the mechanisms of biological processes with spatial context. In this free guide, learn how a multi-omic multiplexing approach can be leveraged to gain a comprehensive view of spatial biology.
ANTIBODIES: Best practices for choosing antibodies and achieving reliable results

With thousands of different antibodies to choose from, making the right antibody choice for your project can ultimately determine the success of downstream applications such as western blots, ELISAs, or immunohistochemistry (IHC). In this application eBook, we present a guide for choosing the right antibodies to achieve reliable results and recommend best practices for antibody-based applications so you can get accurate, reliable, and reproducible data.
ELISA: The essential guide to ELISA automation & reading

In this comprehensive eBook, learn about ELISA best practices and troubleshooting tips, and benefit from an extensive compendium of established automation protocols for a wide range of applications, including veterinary sciences, clinical testing, and food testing.
FTIR SPECTROSCOPY: Sampling accessories to boost your research

Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is used to probe the molecular vibrations of a sample, generating a chemical fingerprint from the molecules present within the beam of light. In this application eBook, we review the literature for some of the most advanced FTIR spectroscopy products and explore cutting-edge research across a diverse range of fields, from the analysis of biodiesel blends to the detection of fake fish oil, catalytic studies, and the spectroscopy of gases.
AMINO ACIDS: Amino acid analysis and its wide-ranging applications

For a wide-ranging number of applications, amino acid analysis is essential to understand components, optimize products, ensure safety, and prevent fraud. In this free eBook, discover an easy-to-use amino acid analyzer and learn how it can support research applications including food analysis, clinical diagnostics, and laboratory research.
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