5 new webinars to advance your research this week
Gain insights on topics from antibody performance and cell line development to food safety method validation and more
3 Oct 2021

SelectScience® hosts dozens of informative and insightful free webinars for scientists every month, featuring world-class speakers at the very forefront of their respective fields. In this regular feature, we highlight the events you won't want to miss over the next week or so, as well as some of our top on-demand webinars.
Register now to save your spot and hear from experts as they discuss the latest research, techniques and technologies in their fields, from streamlining monoclonal antibody characterization and ensuring optimal antibody performance in multiplex IHC assays to optimizing your cell line development workflows. Plus, gain an understanding of the concept of ultrafast optical pump-probe spectroscopy and join a live roundtable discussion on the AOAC Official Method of Analysis.
BIOTHERAPEUTICS: Size exclusion native mass spectrometry for the characterization of monoclonal antibodies
Brian Rivera, senior product manager at Phenomenex, will discuss how non-denaturing SEC Native MS can be leveraged to streamline monoclonal antibody (mAbs) characterization. Plus, methods for digestion of mAbs using site-specific proteases to obtain further insight on post-translational modifications will be described.
Wednesday, October 6, at 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST / 11:00 EDT / 08:00 PDT
ANTIBODIES: The key to spatial mass spectrometry success
Join Dr. Mike Spencer, senior director of antibody validation and IHC at Fortis Life Sciences, as he explores effective strategies to ensure optimal antibody performance in multiplex IHC assays. Including, how poor antibody performance can impact multiplex IHC assay results and how to efficiently screen antibodies for imaging mass spectrometry.
Wednesday, October 6, at 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST / 11:00 EDT / 08:00 PDT
CELL LINES: Intelligent solutions for cell line development
This webinar is the first in our cell line development series, produced in partnership with Sartorius. In this session, experts from Sartorius will provide an overview of the CLD workflow and outline how to choose the best tools to optimize your in-house CLD process.
Thursday, October 7, at 11:00 EDT / 17:00 CEST / 16:00 BST / 08:00 PDT
FOOD SAFETY: Key for successes and major outcomes on the method performances through the AOAC Official Method of Analysis recognition
Join this live roundtable discussion on the key for successes and major outcomes of running AOAC-OMA collaborative studies, with representatives of all the stakeholders involved in this method validation process.
Friday, October 8, at 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST / 11:00 EDT / 08:00 PDT
SPECTROSCOPY: Monitoring electronic excitations in organic semiconductors with ultrafast optical pump-probe spectroscopy
In this presentation, Dr. Sangam Chatterjee, professor at the Institute of Experimental Physics I at Justus-Liebig-University (JLU) Gießen, will cover the basics of fs-pump white-light probe spectroscopy including the experimental challenges and required control data to ensure reliable data.
Friday, October 8, at 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST / 11:00 EDT / 08:00 PDT
Catch up on these 5 on-demand webinars:
- Is the effort really worth the result? hs-cTn at the point of care or lab?: This webinar covers the use of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin (cTn) in the emergency department (ED) and its impact when delivered via a rapid point-of-care (POC) device or core laboratory. Watch here»
- Impact of point of care blood gas testing at a large community hospital: Patti DeJuilio, Clinical Director of Respiratory Care, Center for Sleep Health, discusses the implementation of POCT and highlights the impact on cost, sepsis bundle compliance, and employee engagement.Watch here»
- Detect, discover, diagnose: Uncovering biomarkers to advance non-invasive breath-based diagnostics: This webinar showcases how Owlstone Medical, in collaboration with Markes, has developed headspace analytical methods for the detection of volatile biomarkers, putting us much closer to breath-based diagnostics for lung disease and liver impairment.Watch here»
- Simplifying imaging workflows in your materials research lab: In this webinar, attendees meet Thermo Scientific Athena Software. This new premium imaging data management platform allows core imaging facilities dedicated to materials science research to simplify their scientific imaging workflows by digitizing scientific research projects and centralizing data management. Watch here»
- Quality control revision: A refreshing course on basics of quality control practice and applications: This webinar is the first installment of three webinars on internal quality control practices and application in clinical laboratories. In this session, Prof. Astrid Petersmann, Head of Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, University of Oldenburg, introduces the basics of quality control, in a clinical setting. Watch here»
Have a conflicting schedule? Don't worry all SelectScience webinars are made available on demand, find out more here>>