5 upcoming webinars to broaden your research horizons

Discover the latest tools and techniques to expand your research capacity with expert-led presentations on clinical diagnostics, cell and gene therapy, materials testing, and more

25 Aug 2022
Dora Wells
Clinical Content Editor
Upcoming SelectScience Webinars

SelectScience® hosts dozens of informative free webinars for scientists every month, featuring world-class speakers at the very forefront of their respective fields. In this regular feature, we highlight the events you won't want to miss over the next week or so, as well as some of our top on-demand webinars.

This week, review how to identify the four major types of acid-base disorders as well as mixed acid-base disorders, understand manufacturing practices to minimize particle contamination, and gain insights into therapeutic targeting of retromer-dependent disease pathways and novel ways to study retromer function.

Plus, explore how to overcome common challenges faced duringin situ materials testing, and learn more about the challenges and opportunities of metagenomics NGS (mNGS) in clinical infection diagnosis.

A stepwise approach for the interpretation of arterial blood gases

A stepwise approach for the interpretation of arterial blood gases

Electrolyte and acid-base disorders are quite common in clinical practice. In this webinar, Dr. James Aguanno, Siemens Healthineers, will discuss these acid-base disorders in detail, with examples of how to correctly interpret the acid-base disorders and help in the diagnosis.

Tuesday, August 30, at 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST / 08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT

Register here

Staying ahead of regulatory trends surrounding particles in the manufacture of cell and gene therapies

Staying ahead of regulatory trends surrounding particles in the manufacture of cell and gene therapies

Particulate contamination is an important consideration in ophthalmic applications, pharmaceutical production, and even more so in cell and gene therapy production and delivery. In this webinar, learn about the risks of potential contamination and how to monitor and mitigate these risks.

Wednesday, August 31, at 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST / 11:00 EDT / 08:00 PDT

Register here

Probing and modulating the function of the retromer endosomal trafficking complex through novel macrocyclic peptides

Probing and modulating the function of the retromer endosomal trafficking complex through novel macrocyclic peptides

In this webinar, explore how macrocyclic peptides can be used as a novel toolbox to study retromer-mediated endosomal trafficking and for therapeutic targeting of retromer function. Highlighted, is the method mass photometry, which enables the characterization of protein complexes.

Thursday, September 1, at 14:00 BST / 15:00 CEST / 09:00 EDT / 06:00 PDT

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In situ material testing in SEM: Achieve an unprecedented level of automation

In situ material testing in SEM: Achieve an unprecedented level of automation

In situ materials testing in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is an emerging trend among SEM applications. This webinar will introduce a fully integrated in situ solution in a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and explore automated workflows that can be used to generate meaningful data with high levels of reproducibility and precision.

Thursday, September 1, at 16:00 BST / 17:00 CEST / 11:00 EDT / 08:00 PDT

Register here

Unleash the power of mNGS to identify infectious agents in complex human samples

Unleash the power of mNGS to identify infectious agents in complex human samples

A major challenge to enhance the use of metagenomic NGS (mNGS) for the identification of infectious agents is linked to the vast excess of human DNA. This webinar will discuss how human DNA depletion can help overcome such limitations, improve sequencing depth and quality, and reduce the time and costs of analysis.

Friday, September 2, at 13:00 BST / 14:00 CEST / 08:00 EDT / 05:00 PDT

Register here

Watch our webinars at a time that suits you

Missed one of our webinars? Fortunately, all SelectScience webinars are made available on demand after the live event. Catch up on some of our latest webinars below:

Adopting technologies to streamline biotherapeutics characterization

Watch here»

Tackling the pitfalls of oral fluid matrix analysis

Watch here»

What you need to know: Micro and nano low flow LC essentials

Watch here»

Live-cell imaging for label-free toxicology analysis of hepatic organoids

Watch here»

Hydrogen carrier gas, GC-MS/MS, food analyses and you – Hydrogen isn’t just for petrochemical analyses anymore

Watch here»

Increasing the capability of multi-user labs by combining automation and technology to support multi-application needs

Watch here»

SelectScience runs 10+ webinars a month across various scientific topics, discover more of our upcoming webinars>>

