9 Reasons Why Scientists Love Reading Reviews on SelectScience

Scientists across the world share their thoughts on the benefits of reading reviews on SelectScience

5 Dec 2018
Aidan Barry
Administrator / Office Personnel

SelectScience's key goal is to provide scientists worldwide with the information and resources they need to make the world a healthier place. One of the best ways we do this by providing a platform for knowledge transfer in the form of unbiased, fully-moderated laboratory product reviews, enabling scientists to make informed decisions about their purchases. For our services to be as effective as possible, it is vital that we listen to feedback from our membership. Find out below why scientists love reading reviews on SelectScience — and why not write a review today yourself, to help other scientists advance their research (and gain entry to our $400 Amazon.com Gift Card prize drawing).

1. Vital information

 I think that user reviews of scientific products are key in being able to purchase new reagents and equipment, SelectScience is one of the few places where this is possible.

Dr. Bernard Slater  Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of California, San Diego

2. Time-saving, money-saving

 I love SelectScience for the quality antibody reviews from fellow scientists. This saves me both time and money at the bench. I have also used SelectScience to find reviews on equipment that we have purchased for the lab. The reviews were so helpful in making sure that we buy the right product the first time.

Jacqueline Bonds  University of Illinois, Chicago

3. It’s all about trust

 SelectScience is one of my go-to sources for obtaining expert opinion on any new device/assay/antibody I am looking to purchase. I trust the reviews on the site, as there is no pressure on anyone to write something positive or negative. That's valuable peer review available for free!

Dr. Ayesha Saleem  Professor, Humber College, Toronto, Canada

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SelectScience provides members with a platform to share and read unbiased opinions on the latest technologies

4. Unbiased

 I use Select Science because it is one of the platforms that allow for a trusted screening of products, kits and instruments, by the users — which to me means that are not biased for profit.

Beatriz Sabater Muñoz  Postdoctoral researcher, Spanish National Research Council

5. New discoveries

 SelectScience provides me with info on the latest products and instruments, all in one place, complete with reviews from real users. On more than one occasion I’ve discovered a new product that has helped advance or simplify my research. It’s been a great resource!

Sara Dunne  Research Assistant, Northwestern University

6. Expert opinion

 I use SelectScience as I believe it to be the best source of unbiased expert opinion on equipment and services.

Gary Campbell  Senior Research Scientist, Sanofi Pasteur

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SelectScience reviews are moderated and verified, enabling potential buyers to be certain they are seeing expert opinion

7. Influential

 SelectScience is my first stop when wanting to find out more about an instrument or product. Reviews from end users and purchasers significantly influence my decision to buy.

William Wittbold  Crystalomics Sr. Manager, Ajinomoto Althea, USA

William Wittbold in his laboratory. Dr. Wittbold has been an active member of the SelectScience community, providing expert advice on crystallography and a number of helpful reviews

8. So useful

 SelectScience is an amazing site with lots of useful information about current science practices and latest instruments.

Mannan Khambati  Lab Manager, Bharat Serums and Vaccines, India

9. Helps me decide  Vendor-independent information on lab equipment is often hard to get. Reviews on SelectScience can support decision-making processes and are a valuable source of information. Dr. Christoph Roesli Lab Manager, Novartis Pharma AG, Switzerland   SelectScience likes to thank our reviewers by giving them a chance to win prizes in our bi-monthly drawing and through other programs. To find out more about our fantastic prizes, take a look at our recent winners.

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