
A&D Instruments introduces the SV series Vibro Viscometers

22 May 2006
Kerry Parker

As far as measurement technology is concerned, the viscosity field has seen little innovation in a long time, and has survived with rather crude measurement methods like capillary, cup and drop-ball, all of which are somewhat intuitive or qualitative just enough to classify the material into several categories. The rotating method seemed to be the only existing viable method that gave quantitative results for a limited measurement range and accuracy. Unless some high priced rheology instruments were used, it’s fair to say that viscosity technologies have survived almost unchanged for half a century. Well, A&D have changed that! The recent launch of the SV-10 vibro-viscometer, at a similar price point to conventional rotational models, is turning tradition upside-down.

Based on a tuning fork mechanism and using A&D’s refined measurement & analog-digital expertise, the SV series provides a simple, fast & most importantly, accurate, way of measuring viscosity. Non-Newtonian, flowing, bubbling or low viscosity samples are all simple to measure at the press of one button.

With specifications of 0.01cP resolution from 0.3cP through 10,000cP, the SV-10 will be the answer to those difficult and often convoluted methods many people are accustomed to (The SV-100 is also available with a range up to 100,000cP). Continuous measurement is possible, making the SV suitable for both in-line and Lab applications. The tuning fork mechanism is highly sensitive (approximately 100 times more so than a rotational type) and the SV repeatability is +/- 1% of the actual reading, as opposed to the usual specification on a rotating type, typically +/- 1% of the full scale of the rotor! This makes a vast difference when it comes to measuring materials of low viscosity.

The SV Viscometer introduces a paradigm shift in terms of measuring viscosity or testing other liquid properties (eg adhesion, absorption or cloud point). One can now work with an infinitely improved level of accuracy, ease-of-use, ease-of-maintaining its accuracy, and real time measurement capability. The SV comes complete with sample vials, temperature sensor, data output & software, enabling users to log & graph temperature & viscosity data in real time.

The SV is as easy to use as a digital weighing scale! No longer are special skills required for handling the instrument. Even its re-calibration is simple and easy. It can be done by a press of a button with the standard liquids you have, just like any precision weighing balance can be re-calibrated with standard masses. A&D would like to welcome you to the “Viscosity Revolution”!
