A compact high-speed centrifuge STAT!

20 Apr 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Hettich Instruments announced today the formal introduction of its EBA 20S centrifuge. The EBA 20S is a compact, high-speed clinical centrifuge for use with STAT, platelet-poor plasma and coagulation samples.

The versatile EBA 20S is suitable for a wide range of clinical laboratory needs, including: hospital chemistry labs, blood work, Critical Care, STAT, Emergency Room or OB/ GYN applications. The 20S can achieve fast, accurate serum and plasma separation in just 3 minutes. Many other conventional centrifuges’ spin-cycles take up to 15 minutes. The speed is, in part, due to the new brushless motor which allows the 20S to spin samples at 8,000 RPM. Weighing just 14 lbs. (6 kg) the 20S is a compact, portable and efficient centrifuge to also conduct field work at satellite locations.

“By reducing the time it takes to separate samples, we are essentially allowing laboratories to increase throughput and save time,” said Nick Horsley, Hettich’s VP of Sales and Marketing, “this is what is meant by STAT.”

The EBA 20S’s standard 8 place rotor accommodates all blood tubes up to 15 mL. The unit’s digital control panel allows the user to customize spin-cycle programs, each tailor made to their unique requirements. In addition to the improvement in time and speed, users can rely on the same quality, safety and reliability they’ve come to expect from Hettich, backed up with a standard 3 year product warranty standard. Rotor and accessories are also included with the unit.

