A Simple Tool to Uncover Hidden Protein Interactions

Discover how to elucidate hidden weak protein complexes critical to your research with the EXTRACTMAN from Gilson

21 Dec 2017
Abigail Berry
Administrator / Office Personnel

Protein interactions are critical to all living organisms, and can be seen to influence a wide range of pathway types including cell signaling, post-translational modification and drug target identification. A number of methods exist to evaluate protein interactions, from biochemical assays to computational analysis. However, whilst stronger protein interactions can be assessed easily, weaker interactors can be difficult to isolate. To combat this, Gilson has introduced a revolutionary protein extraction tool — EXTRACTMAN® — which aims to minimize the risk of losing protein interactions through washing steps.

EXTRACTMAN® is a small bench-top tool, offering a faster and gentler solution for protein isolation. It utilizes a magnetic mixing approach, and is ideal for isolating weakly-bound protein complexes. Built with ease in mind, EXTRACTMAN® also enables scientists to test up to four samples in parallel in as little as 30 seconds, increasing reproducibility and saving time.

EXTRACTMAN® utilizes Exclusion-based Sample Preparation (ESP™) technology to gently and quickly isolate proteins from a variety of samples, including weakly-bound protein complexes that traditional isolation techniques leave behind. The revolutionary slide-based extraction gently moves your samples through isolation with a simple slide of the handle.

Scientists appreciate the flexibility the EXTRACTMAN® offers, as indicated by Joshua Martin, McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in this recent video interview. “The EXTRACTMAN® is so simple to use,” explains Martin, “set-up takes minutes, and the process itself is even faster.”

As well as applications in cancer research, the potential application areas are vast, with the kit well suited to any laboratory carrying out protein interaction research using magnetic bead-based protein isolation, co-immunoprecipitation, or immunoprecipitation.

For further information on the applications applicable to the EXTRACTMAN®, Gilson has produced a suite of application notes highlighting the tool:

Discover more about the EXTRACTMAN here >>

Do you already use the EXTRACTMAN? Write a review today for your chance to win an Amazon voucher worth $400 or an iPad.

