A Solid Base for Sequencing Service: GATC Biotech Trusts in the Genome Sequencer Technology from Roche

6 Mar 2007

GATC Biotech, a leading provider of molecular biological services & innovative bioinformatics solutions for industry & academia worldwide, in future will use the Genome Sequencer FLX System from Roche Applied Science, a business area of Roche Diagnostics.

GATC, with headquarters in Constance, Germany, successfully installed the ultrafast sequencing system during February. GATC’s portfolio by now contains services in the areas of high throughput genome, single sample sequencing, transcriptomics, and functional analysis. They plan to use the Genome Sequencer FLX System to offer their customers all the applications possible within this revolutionary technology, with a special focus on in-depth analysis of whole transcriptomes.

“GATC is a well-known company in sequencing service. We are glad that they have chosen our system, and regard their decision as a recommendation to use our sequencing technology,” said Manfred Baier, Head of Roche Applied Science.

“The new ultra-high-throughput system from Roche Diagnostics gives us an excellent opportunity to further develop our customer relationships with pharma, chemistry, biotech, agro and food industries. In addition, it will considerably accelerate our expansion into new business fields. GATC has now become the largest commercial sequencing provider in Europe, and we are very excited to have Roche as a reliable partner at our side,” said Peter Pohl, CEO of GATC.

With the Genome Sequencer FLX System, 454 Life Science and Roche Applied Science have already introduced their second “2nd generation Genome Sequencer System.” Based on the excellent combination of read length, throughput and very high sequence accuracy, it can be used for a broad range of applications and will even faster lead to innovative approaches which were due to technical or economical reasons unthinkable before.

Due to its versatile and enabling character the system is perfectly suited for service entities such as core facilities or commercial sequencing companies. The flexibility and enabling technology of the Genome Sequencing FLX system also offers researchers a versatile portfolio of applications to address complex research fields such as cancer research, inherited diseases, infectious diseases, or plant genomics.
