A Swiss-made Karl Fischer titrator for just a few dollars?

New Eco KF Titrator makes water content determination simple, safe, and reliable

21 Jun 2020
Ellen Simms
Product and Reviews Editor

Metrohm presents the Eco KF Titrator for the simple, safe, and reliable determination of moisture content by volumetric Karl Fischer titration. This Swiss-made instrument is the ideal solution for QC laboratories who insist on premium quality for a highly competitive price: A three-year warranty granted on the Eco KF Titrator means that the latest member of the Eco family of instruments is available for just a few dollars a day.

When it comes to methods for water content determination, Karl Fischer titration is the gold standard: It is a direct method and specific for water, it is highly sensitive, and it is fast and simple to use. Hence, numerous standards such as EN, ISO, ASTM, DIN and others describe volumetric Karl Fischer titration for matrices from foodstuffs to petrochemicals to paints and others.

The Eco KF Titrator makes water content determination affordable – and simple: Example methods are pre-installed on the instrument; users simply select their method of choice and start it at the touch of the instrument’s screen. The titration itself is performed fully automatically, which means there is no risk of human error. Any risk of physical contact with the Karl Fischer reagents is prevented: The titration vessel is emptied and refilled at the push of a button by the Solvent Pump after each analysis.

Working in compliance with GLP requirements is easy with the Eco KF Titrator: Reports with complete information who performed which method and when can be easily generated in the PDF format. Reports can either be saved on a USB stick or printed out on a printer connected to the instrument.

Not something that can be taken for granted by every vendor in this price range: With the Eco KF Titrator comes the availability of local on-site service and application support provided by the global network of Metrohm subsidiaries and distributors.

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