A World of Environmental Monitoring Under One Roof

Attend the Air Quality and Emissions event 2018 to learn about the latest developments in air quality testing

27 Sept 2018
Holly McHugh
Administrator / Office Personnel

According to the World Health Organisation, 4.2 million people die every year from exposure to outdoor air pollution and a further 3.8 million die from indoor pollution - 91% of the world’s population lives in places where air quality exceeds WHO guideline limits.

Clearly, a concerted international action is necessary to reduce the emissions of harmful pollutants and to lower exposure levels. This would not be possible without accurate, reliable monitoring, and AQE 2018 (the Air Quality & Emissions event) was created to underpin that requirement and is the latest in a series of events that began in 2003.

AQE 2018 will take place in Telford (UK) on 21st and 22nd November, and is comprised of Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, and an International Exhibition. In combination, these will provide visitors with the latest information on testing, analysis, and monitoring of industrial emissions, ambient air quality, and workplace exposure; including regulations, methods, standards, and technologies.

Registration for AQE 2018 is now open and all pre-registered visitors will benefit from free parking, lunch, and refreshments, as well as free entry to WWEM 2018, the co-located water, wastewater, and environmental monitoring event. Visiting without pre-registration will cost £20/day.

The AQE 2018 Conferences are CPD certified and combine with the workshops to provide visitors with an opportunity to tailor their visit in order to access the most relevant information whilst also leaving time to browse the exhibitions.

Day 1: Wednesday 21st November

The STA (Source Testing Association) Conference will focus heavily on the Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD), which will come into force on 20th December 2018. The MCPD applies to generators and plants between 1 and 50 MW (net rated thermal input) and an impact assessment has estimated that between 30,000 and 35,000 of these plants are currently operating in the UK alone. The estimated number of MCPs in the EU is around 143,000.

The Environmental Industries Commission (EIC) seminar on 21st November will focus on the development of Clean Air Zones (CAZs). In particular, there will be a specific focus on air quality monitoring, which provides the baseline data that is essential for finding pollution hot-spots and measuring the effects of improvement measures such as CAZs.

Day 2: Thursday 22nd November

Ambient air quality will be the focus of the IAPSC Conference (Investigation of Air Pollution Standing Committee) on the second day. The main themes of this conference will be sensor-based air quality monitoring techniques; engaging the public with air quality, and green infrastructure and its potential role in LAQM. This conference is administered by Ricardo Energy & Environment, and booking can be made via www.IAPSC.org.uk.

On the morning of Day 2, the Renewable Energy Association Conference is titled: Understanding emission risks from Organics Recycling activities. With the recent release of the Best Available Techniques for the waste sector now lives in the hands of the regulator, there has never been a better time to learn about issues relating to emissions from biowaste.

A programme of free technical Workshops will run throughout both days, offering visitors the opportunity to learn more about the latest methods and technologies on show. A wide variety of themes will be addressed covering both industrial emissions and ambient air quality.

Over 80 companies will participate in the AQE 2018 International Exhibition, representing all of the world’s leading manufacturers and service providers in the air quality and emissions monitoring sectors. Many of them will be launching new products and services, and the only way to see them all is to be there.

A Gala Dinner for both AQE and WWEM will take place on the evening of 21st November. The winners of various competitions will be announced at this event, and the guest speaker will be Mr. Brian Blessed.

With so much to see and do at AQE 2018, visitors are being urged to plan for two days at the event. “Last year, many of the AQE visitors were unable to find sufficient time to see the entire Exhibition and to attend some of the specialist Workshops,” comments AQE organizer, Marcus Pattison. “For example, the IAPSC Conference will run throughout the second day, but the EIC seminar on Clean Air Zones runs on the first day, and to complicate matters further, many visitors are also likely to want to browse the WWEM Exhibition – clearly forward planning is essential!”

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