A2 Technologies Announces Innovative Portable FT-IR Solution for Real-Time Oil Analysis

31 May 2007

A2 Technologies, the innovator and manufacturer of portable Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectrometers announces the availability of Real-time Oil Analysis and Reporting (ROAR™) for its portable Mobility FT-IR spectrometer series. The combination of A2 Technologies’ powerful ROAR software and the innovative diamond-based oil sample measurement Mobility FT-IR spectrometers, allows users of mining equipment, fleet trucking, earth moving equipment and power stations to get accurate real-time information about the condition of lubricating fluids directly, in the field.

Traditionally, virtually all analytical testing is carried out by taking lubricant fluids from the machinery and sending them to a commercial laboratory for testing, thus resulting in the analysis of samples being carried out hours or even days later. During this testing period, it is possible for additional oil breakdown to occur, potentially causing increased wear on expensive equipment. These lubricating fluids can be chemically complex and very expensive so, as the efficiency of the fluid changes with use, it is important for users to know whether to replace or to recharge them. This prevents malfunction and wear but also ensures an increase in lifetime of the fluids.

Featuring A2 Technologies’ innovative ROAR capability, the novel spectrometers inform users of the types of samples being analyzed, the results, any trends of the analyses, as well as a comparison on earlier analysis. The report is also capable of distinguishing and recommending steps to take following the analysis. ROAR is a great advance in the proactive maintenance approach of high value machinery, addressing problems before they occur. In addition, by analyzing the samples in real-time, the wear on machinery caused by oil breakdown is held to a minimum.

By tracking key indicators, such as the levels of water, soot, glycol, oxidation, sulfation oxidation and nitration in real-time, users are able to ascertain the condition of lubricating fluids, on-the-spot. This provides users with a real insight into the status of the oil sample and identifies machinery requiring monitoring more frequently, thus reducing the amount of wear on the machinery. In addition, this solution provides users with the necessary information to know when they need replacing or refreshing. This significantly reduces downtime and results in increased efficiency, reducing costs.

