A2 Technologies Supports Educational Institutions With Special Pricing On FTIR

24 Nov 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

A2 Technologies has announced that the popular Educational Institution Pricing Program on its ML FTIR spectrometer system will continue through to March 31, 2010. This special pricing program allows academic institutions to purchase the ML FTIR spectrometer, with integrated single reflection diamond ATR sampling system, for 40% off of list price.

The ML spectrometer is well suited to academic environments, both in support of research and teaching. It is a very compact, easy-to-use system with the ruggedness and reliability required for multi-user environments. Though small in size, the performance of the ML system rivals or exceeds FTIR spectrometers that are far larger and more expensive. Equipped with the diamond ATR sampling system, the ML is perfect for undergraduate teaching labs and as a daily "workhorse" spectrometer for the analysis of a wide range of solid and liquid compounds.

