Accelerated Sodium Buffer System for Amino Acid Analysis

19 Feb 2007

Biochrom, the market leader in amino acid analysis announces the launch of the Sodium Accelerated Buffer System. The new buffer system enables the total analysis time for a full amino acid profile to be reduced by up to 30%, which is equivalent to seven additional runs per day.

As sample numbers increase in busy analytical labs that are already running at full capacity, the need for shorter runs times that do not comprise the quality of data are needed. Biochrom has addressed this need, with the new Accelerated Buffer System.

Based on established post-column ninhydrin based detection technology, the Biochrom 30 Amino Acid Analyser meets the requirements of the standard methods from the AOAC and the EU Commission Directive 98/64/EC. Analysis of both protein hydrolysates and oxidised protein hydrolysates can be performed on this system, which allows flexibility of sample type and ease of use of the instrument.

Biochrom has been a leading supplier of quality instrumentation to science and industry for more than 30 years. Continued product development drawing upon many years of experience of instrument design has resulted in reliable dedicated amino acid analysers and a large installed base of instruments.

