Accoutrements Add Adaptability to Handheld Analyzers

25 Feb 2019
Matthew Horan

Smart Attachments set the Mira Flex handheld material identification system apart from the competition. They are designed with advanced tips that facilitate acquisitions and track sampling. Diverse attachments for Mira systems enable straightforward sampling of substances of virtually any kind; be they powders, liquids, or solids.

Smart Attachments are just one step in the quest to provide broad access to advanced chemical analysis for everyone. The next step is Mira Flex, in response to customer requests for even greater flexibility with the Mira system. The new Mira Flex package from Metrohm Raman permits customization of Mira for unique applications.

Mira Flex is an «à la carte» experience: The basic package includes a Mira device, USB cable, Calibration Standard, and laser safety glasses; users can then simply select the available Smart Attachments and accessories that meet their specific sampling needs. Sampling through a container? The Working Distance Attachments (SWD, LWD, XLWD, or UA) can handle everything from direct contact to 22 mm glass containers. Concerned about the toxicity of an unknown? The Standoff Attachment enables safe sampling from a distance. Checking the formulation of a tablet is easy with our Tablet Holder. The Ball Probe Attachment allows sampling by direct contact e.g., in a barrel with no concern of proper focus.

