Accumetrics’ Platelet Reactivity System Receives Canadian License for Clinical Use

9 Aug 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Accumetrics, Inc., developer of the VerifyNow® System, the first rapid and easy-to-use system for measuring platelet reactivity to multiple antiplatelet agents has announced that the VerifyNow System has been licensed for clinical use by Health Canada.

The VerifyNow System is now available to hospitals and clinical laboratories in Canada to measure platelet reactivity in patients on antiplatelet medications including aspirin and P2Y12 inhibitors (clopidogrel).

Additionally, Accumetrics has signed an agreement with Force 3 Medical, Inc. for distribution of the VerifyNow System in Canada. With the addition of Force 3 Medical to Accumetrics’ growing number of distribution partners, Accumetrics now has local representation in over 70 countries worldwide.

“Achieving a Health Canada license is another important milestone in our mission to provide patients and healthcare professionals the highest quality clinical evidence that allows for improved management of cardiovascular disease throughout the world,” said Timothy I. Still, President and CEO of Accumetrics, Inc. “With Force 3 Medical as our Canadian distribution partner, we are very confident that the VerifyNow offering will quickly achieve a strong presence in this important market.”

“The VerifyNow System is being used in the PROACT (Prospective Randomized ON-X Valve Anticoagulation Clinical Trial) study, and the four Canadian contributing centers have been impressed with its usefulness in managing patients’ antiplatelet treatment strategies,’’ said Gilbert Pommepuy, President and CEO of Force 3 Medical, Inc. “We are very excited at the prospect of being able to expand the use of the VerifyNow System and making it a new standard of care.”
