Accurate, reliable CHN/O/S analysis

20 Mar 2007

Exeter Analytical has announced a new brochure describing the latest version of its popular Model CE-440 elemental analyser.

The Model CE-440 is a fully automated CHN/O/S elemental analyser designed to give accurate, reliable results, over the widest range of sample types presented for analysis. Offering unmatched operating accuracy and precision the Model CE-440 delivers simultaneous CHN analysis in less than 5 minutes and Oxygen and Sulphur in only 6 minutes - increasing the productivity of your laboratory.

The Model CE-440 uses thermal conductivity detection to measure Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen, after combusting and reducing a sample. Inherently more stable than gas chromatographic based systems the Model CE-440 delivers superior performance and sampling precision over a very wide range of elemental content. Horizontal sample injection enables automatic removal of sample residue after each analysis, avoiding memory effects and gas flow problems.

Low gas and reagent consumption combined with high reduction tube life allows the Model CE-440 to deliver some of the lowest operating costs of any CHN elemental analyser available. Intuitive Windows based operating software reduces human errors through incorporation of extensive automation, comprehensive customer help and diagnostic facilities. Most parts on the Model CE-440 are user replaceable further reducing operating costs and downtime.

For a copy of the new Model CE-440 brochure please contact Exeter Analytical.

