Achieve Accurate and Consistent Color in Macroscopic Imaging

13 Apr 2015
Kathryn Rix
Administrator / Office Personnel

Datacolor® is pleased to announce the release of CHROMACAL™ Image Calibration version 2.0 ("CHROMACAL v2.0"), the latest advancement to its industry-leading color calibration technology designed for the research, science and forensics markets. With the release of CHROMACAL v2.0 (available as a free download to all existing CHROMACAL customers), Datacolor also introduced the CHROMACAL Macro Calibration Target ("CHROMACAL Target"; see Figure 1), a color target specific to reflected light imaging of macroscopic samples. The CHROMACAL Target is a printed, matte, color matrix available in two standard sizes (10 x 7cm and 5 x 3.5cm). In addition, Datacolor is offering a unique service -- high-quality, custom-sized, printed color targets -- available upon request.

Mark S. McNulty, General Manager for Datacolor CHROMACAL, commented, "As awareness and use of our CHROMACAL technology expanded, we received many requests to deliver color calibration for other imaging areas. Our Macro Imaging module seamlessly integrates into the CHROMACAL software, and offers scientists, researchers and investigators the same ease-of-use and color consistency available to transmitted light, brightfield specimens."

Figure 1. CHROMACAL Macro Calibration Target (10 x 7cm) for use with ChromaCal Image Calibration software.”Macroscopic imaging ("macro imaging") is generally described as imaging where the specimen is large enough to be visible with the naked eye. Most specimens in this imaging environment are opaque, not transparent; therefore, color is imparted from the light reflecting from the specimen itself. Macro imaging is widely used for documenting specimens prior to further analysis using microscopic techniques. Specimens can include plants, insects, animal tissue, human tissue, crime scene evidence, geology samples, just to name a few. Regardless of the specimen type, researchers, scientists and crime scene investigators demand that digital images accurately and consistently represent the physical specimen.

Mark Clymer, Marketing Director for Datacolor CHROMACAL, added, "Just as your family photos can look different under various lighting conditions or with different cameras, so too can macroscopic images. With CHROMACAL, there is no need to change your imaging workflow or equipment. Just capture an image of the CHROMACAL Target during your imaging session along with your specimen images. The CHROMACAL software uses the image of the target to quickly standardize the color in your specimen images."


The CHROMACAL Color Calibration System delivers consistent, presentation-quality images without subjective adjustments...FAST! Packaged in a powerful yet easy-to-use interface, CHROMACAL streamlines the digital imaging workflow, and ensures that image data is color-standardized, never compromised.

Key Features:

  • For transmitted light, color brightfield microscopy images and reflected light, macroscopic images
  • Delivers accurate and consistent color in digital images for unsurpassed comparability between imaging sessions and imaging systems
  • Color algorithm includes automatic white balance and brightness matching
  • Fast batch processing of TIFF and JPEG files
  • Diagnostic tools included to check linearity of your image capture system (critical for qualitative and quantitative analysis of digital images)
  • CHROMACAL images are saved as separate files; original images are preserved
  • Complete documentation stored in calibrated image metadata
  • Flexibility to modify contrast while preserving linearity of images (not a gamma adjustment)
  • Processes files up to 2GB in size (performance dependent on workstation configuration)
  • Option to easily save TIFF images in JPEG format (for facilities sensitive to storage requirements)
  • Integrated with CHROMACAL Monitor Calibration software to assure color integrity over the entire imaging and evaluation continuum
  • Software compatible with both Mac OSX and Windows operating systems

Datacolor is a registered trademark of Datacolor, Inc. ChromaCal is a trademark of Datacolor, Inc.

