ACTIVA™ - offering the ultimate in user selection for elemental analysis...

17 May 2006

ACTIVA™ offers a user selection of any elemental wavelength from 165 to 800 nm with an optional extension from 110 to 800 nm to determine the halogens.

Furthermore, multiple lines for every element can be selected without penalizing the analysis speed. ACTIVA™ simultaneously measures the peaks and adjacent backgrounds for many lines of the same or different element. This simultaneous multi-line analysis permit a rapid detection of the phenomenon’s such as spectral interferences, matrix and reactive effects, problems related to sample preparations and calibration etc...

Vital for an accurate analysis in a complex matrix, the high spectral resolution is obtained by an optical assembling, exempt from optical aberrations: achromatic photon collection associated to the 0.64 Czerny Turner optical system. The detection system consists of an ultra-low noise CCD solid state detector installed in a HORIBA Jobin Yvon camera. The innovative ACTIVA design combines all the advantages of the assembling and a drastic reduction of the dark current and readout noise extending the measurement dynamic range to 5 orders. The radial viewing minimizes matrix effects without sacrificing detection limits. The Total Normal Analytical Zone of the plasma is imaged on the detector. The use of the original HORIBA Jobin Yvon holographic grating offers a practical resolution better than 10 pm from 110 to 400 nm.

The user friendly ACTIVAnalyst software under multi-tasking WIN XP or other NT platform environment offers unique analytical features for full benefits of CCD detection.

ACTIVA™ offers, like in every instrument of this type, a spacious compartment for an easier access and a faster disassembling of the Nebulizer Torch Chamber system. The injector tube, possessing the largest diameter of 3 mm available today, combined with the sheath device, increases the measurement stability in saline solutions, minimizes the problems of deposit in the injector and considerably reduces the interference effects due to the matrices. HORIBA Jobin Yvon offers a large variety of sample introduction cassettes. Easily interchangeable, they integrate a nebulisation chamber, a nebulizer and a sheath device adapted to the analysis of various samples.

