Advance Your Research with ZEISS at ASCB 2014

18 Nov 2014
Kathryn Rix
Administrator / Office Personnel

Join ZEISS at ASCB 2014, December 07 - 09, Booth #625 to learn how advancements in confocal microscopy, superresolution imaging, and 3D electron microscopy can enable you to advance your research in cell biology.

• Revolutionalize Your Confocal Imaging
ZEISS LSM 880 with Airyscan utilizes a new detection concept that uses an array detector to oversample each Airy disk in order to gain sensitivity, resolution and speed for higher throughput. Experience this amazing technology at the ZEISS booth.

• 3D Superresolution Imaging
Eric Betzig's work, along with Harald Hess, led to his share in the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry and the development of the first commercially available superresolution microscope based on PALM technology: ZEISS ELYRA. Meet with our product specialists to learn how superresolution could benefit you or come to our Tech Showcase, which will have two talks on applications for this technology.

• 3D Electron Microscopy
Image cellular structures and large tissue volumes previously thought impossible to acquire with new tools from ZEISS. Visit our booth and learn about workflow solutions and electron microscopes for very large volume imaging with the highest resolution, including Atlas Array Tomography, 3View integrated ultramicrotome, and Crossbeam (FIB-SEM) for biological applications.

