Affordable Eco™ Real-Time PCR System from Illumina

27 Jul 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The Eco™ Real-Time PCR System from Illumina is a novel platform that looks to extend the access of real-time PCR applications to the individual bench scientist. This simple system offers unprecedented access to a wide range of applications at an economical price.

The Eco Real-Time PCR System offers:

•True four-color multiplexing and High-Resolution Melting Analysis (HRM)
•Use of all standard Real-Time PCR chemistries, and ability to perform fast PCR using standard chemistries
•Industry leading data quality and reproducibility with well-to-well uniformity five times that of other commercially-available, far more costly Real-Time PCR systems
•A compact (approximately one cubic foot) design and 48-well plate format specifically tailored to the needs of the individual researcher
•Ease of use and installation by both experienced and novice Real-Time PCR users
•An intuitive, icon-driven software interface with smart default protocols
•Affordability — with a US list price of $13,900, the system is accessible to individual researchers around the world

“We are excited to launch the Eco Real-Time PCR System, which we believe will set new standards for performance, simplicity and affordability,” said Christian Henry, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Life Sciences. “The system will enable us to address a broad range of applications and markets and is highly complementary to our industry-leading sequencing and array platforms.”

Illumina will begin shipping the Eco system in August.

The product was developed by Helixis, Inc., which Illumina acquired on April 30, 2010.

