Affordable high performance evaporation / concentration system

13 Nov 2006

Genevac, the market leader in solvent removal, has announced the introduction of the new second generation EZ-Bio - a high performance benchtop evaporation / concentration system purposed designed for life science laboratories.

Benefiting from over 20 years of experience and expertise in developing innovative centrifugal evaporation systems - Genevac have in the new EZ-Bio included technological features that until recently were only included on high throughput systems used by the world's major pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The EZ-Bio uniquely delivers premium performance at an affordable price.

Solvent removal tasks in Life science research commonly involve ethanol, methanol, water and acetonitrile and the EZ-Bio is optimised to remove such solvents. Built-in programs for common life science experiments including DNA purification, DNA extraction, oligosynthesis, protein purification and removing aqueous mixtures (as well as a low speed centrifuge setting) mean that you never need to worry about complex instrumental set-up procedures. The EZ-Bio is fast. It can remove 1ml of water from each 1.5ml micro centrifuge tube (in a block of 64) in only 2.5 hours, without ever taking the tubes above 40°C. The integral refrigerated vapour trap captures and condenses the removed solvents. This not only allows faster evaporation, but unlike most lower cost systems, drying times on the EZ-Bio do not increase as more samples are added to the load.

The EZ-Bio is built with Genevac's renowned commitment to preserving sample integrity. Using patented 'Dri-Pure™' anti-bumping technology, even the most difficult combinations of volatile solvents can be easily dried without risk of cross contamination. Easily interchanged sample holders are available for all common formats.

The EZ-Bio is a compact, self-contained evaporation / concentration system that includes pump and refrigerated cold trap. The high performance system simply plugs into a single power outlet to deliver perfect results, every time.

