Agencourt<sup>®</sup> DNAdvance System Delivers High DNA Recovery From Mammalian Tissue Samples

4 Aug 2008

Beckman Coulter, Inc. introduces the Agencourt® DNAdvance System, a new extraction kit for DNA isolation and purification from mammalian tissue samples. The new system delivers a combination of recovery, yield and purity not available with any other kit on the market today. It incorporates the patented SPRI® (Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization) paramagnetic bead-based nucleic acid purification technology. The Agencourt DNAdvance chemistry is automated on the Beckman Coulter Biomek® NXP and FXP Laboratory Automation Workstations to process three 96-well plates in about 75 minutes without the use of organic solvents, vacuum filtration or centrifugation. Full walkaway automation can be easily achieved with a PlateStak* Automated microplate handler that enables continuous throughput.

The Rutgers University Bionomics Research and Technology Center (BRTC) is a Beta site for this new extraction system. Already a user of Beckman Coulter's Biomek Laboratory Automation Workstations, the BRTC easily automated the Agencourt DNAdvance chemistry.

"We're seeing a higher success rate for extractions with Agencourt DNAdvance and the bead-based technology gives us more consistent results," commented Dr. Andrew Brooks, Director of the BRTC. "By automating the chemistry on the Biomek FXP we are experiencing faster processing that helps us meet our aggressive goals."

"Many projects are using knock-out mice for genotyping studies but DNA extraction from a mouse tail can be difficult," explained Todd Lombardo, senior product manager for Agencourt. "The Agencourt DNAdvance System provides a streamlined extraction process that delivers maximum yields for these applications."

Agencourt Bioscience Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Beckman Coulter, is a leading provider of nucleic acid purification products and genomic services for life science research.

DNAdvance is for research use only; not for diagnostic use.
*PlateStak is registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc.

