AGOWA genomics adds the Roche Genome Sequencer FLX system to its sequencing portfolio

4 Aug 2008

AGOWA genomics, part of the international science-based company LGC, has added a Genome Sequencer FLX System from Roche to its technology portfolio. The acquisition of the Roche GS FLX enables AGOWA genomics to meet the growing market demands for higher capacity and higher throughput.

AGOWA genomics’ customers can now take advantage of the company’s increased sequencing capacity and the expanded range of applications and services, such as:

  • De novo sequencing of prokaryotic and small eukaryotic genomes
  • Completion of de novo sequencing including resolution of repeats and gap closure applying a combination of 454 and Sanger sequencing
  • Analysis of metagenomes, transcriptomes / normalised cDNA, methylation patterns, pools of tagged fosmids and BACs
  • Targeted re-sequencing (amplicons and genotyping)

Furthermore, AGOWA genomics is one of the first sites to apply the novel GS FLX TITANIUM series of reagents that Roche will launch in autumn 2008. The benefit of the TITANIUM series is the significantly longer read length over the GS FLX standard series with a Q20 read length of over 400 bases, and a total of up to 500 million bases per instrument run.

AGOWA genomics will install an additional, powerful off-rig server at its laboratory in Berlin, Germany. This will fulfil the computational requirements of the increased throughput as well as keep processing time short - and consequently help deliver a fast turnaround of ultra-high-throughput sequencing results.

With these new capabilities in ultra-high-throughput sequencing, staff from AGOWA genomics will work in collaboration with their fellow scientists in LGC’s corporate Research & Technology Division, to elucidate a number of challenging scientific themes. This work will help to establish new applications in the near future. For the operation of the new technology, AGOWA genomics will enlarge its sequencing labs and employ additional sequencing specialists and lab staff.

“AGOWA genomics and the LGC Group are well known in the field of analytical service. We applaud their decision to incorporate the 454 Sequencing system into their standard service offering,” said Chris McLeod, CEO of 454 Life Sciences, a Roche company. “The acquisition of the Genome Sequencer FLX system will enable AGOWA genomics to offer their customers an expanded range of services and new applications quickly and at an affordable price point.”

Dr. Wolfgang Zimmermann – AGOWA genomics’ Business Unit Manager Sequencing, stated: “The acquisition of the GS FLX TITANIUM System will considerably extend our service portfolio and will strengthen our reputation as a high-end sequencing services provider.”
