ALCHEMIST™ - New gravimetric liquid dosing robot for highest flexibility in formulation

16 Jul 2006

Dosing robot Alchemist™ for flexible creation of liquid mixtures.

Bartels Mikrotechnik turns the world upside down. Currently, most liquid dosing robots only allow dosing from a very limited number of reservoirs. This is no longer the case with the newly developed dosing robot Alchemist™.

The Alchemist™ dosing system is a fully automated stand-alone device which is designed to create mixtures totaling 1g or 10g, out of 200+ single ingredients. All of this functionality comes in a compact size. The overall dimensions are 80 cm in width, 140 cm in height and 160 cm in length (2.6ft x 4.6ft x 5.2ft).

Any single ingredient can be accurately dosed in quantities ranging from 10g all the way down to 500µg. This enables the customer to drastically reduce material consumption by keeping sample size to a minimum, while providing high flexibility in mixing ratios and freedom in formulation. The machine has a built-in high precision balance (resolution down to 1µg) for gravimetric dosings and is able to cover a viscosity range from 1 mPa∙s (water) up to 500 mPa∙s (honey). Dosing accuracy so far is +/- 3% or +/- 100µg.

The fluids are stored in 5ml and 20ml glass-syringes, which can easily be refilled/replaced. Materials in contact with the liquid media are glass, stainless steel and PTFE, giving a high degree of flexibility in dosing aggressive chemicals. In addition to the 200+ syringes for small volume doses, four special high volume containers are provided for dosing of heavily used liquids.

All the necessary information regarding the dosed formulas is recorded and presented via a web-interface number of dosing steps, order of dosing also including actual parts dosed and percent error.

Upon completion of a sample, a corresponding label is printed to identify the contents, and then the next empty sample vial is loaded. Currently, a sample tray containing 50 available sample vials is built into the machine. This allows for significant up-time between servicing, including overnight operation.

If required, the tool can be equipped with an inert gas-flush system and/or a temperature regulation system.

The compact device was designed specifically to meet the needs of liquid formula creation tasks in the modern chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

