Alere Displays Point-of-Care Poducts at BioMedica 2012

25 Apr 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Alere demonstrated a number of products in their booth at Biomedica this year. Two point-of-care products were on display at the stand.

The epoc® blood analysis system is the first and only wireless bedside testing solution using SmartCard technology to deliver lab-quality blood gas, electrolyte, and metabolite results at the patient bedside. The system provides accurate results in just 30 seconds, is easy to use and requires no refrigeration or consumables. The latest version of the epoc® Blood Analysis System was introduced at Medica last year, with even more functionality than its predecessor.

Also on display was the Alere INRatio®2 PT/INR Monitoring system. The handheld blood coagulation system is designed to monitor patients taking warfarin and can be used by healthcare professionals and patients at home. The system uses individually wrapped test strips and offers a rapid turnaround of PT/INR results in approximately 60 seconds. All reagents and QC are incorporated into the card making it extremely user friendly empowering patients to take control of their own condition.

