Amplify Where Others Fail – with the New Expand Long Range dNTPack for Amplification of Long PCR Products

4 Sept 2006
David Wechler

The new Expand Long Range dNTPack of Roche Applied Science, a business area of Roche Diagnostics, is a robust solution to consistently amplify long PCR products, which kits from other suppliers are often not able to amplify.

The dNTPack is a second generation product to the well-known Expand Long Template PCR System. It contains a sophisticated blend of thermostable DNA polymerases, an optimized buffer system, and ultrapure PCR-Grade Nucleotides.

The Expand Long Range dNTPack is optimized to efficiently amplify large genomic DNA fragments from 5 kb to 25 kb in combination with a threefold higher fidelity compared to Taq DNA Polymerase. It is ideally suited for genome mapping and sequencing, contig construction, characterization of cloned sequences in lambda phages or cosmids, and eukaryotic-gene cloning and analysis. It also allows the rapid identification and cloning of complete genes from genomic DNA using cDNA sequence information as a starting point.

PCR success is highly dependent on the selection of both nucleotides and enzymes. To ensure the best PCR results, dNTPacks combine both in one economical package.
