AMSBIO Expands Portfolio of Ready-to-Use Stable Cell Lines

6 Jan 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

AMSBIO has expanded its portfolio of stable cell lines. The new cell lines express endogenous or recombinant proteins and are available in a ready-to-use format to facilitate your research efforts.

Using AMSBIO stable cell lines not only provides an optimized solution for manufacture of therapeutic and diagnostic protein, but also for applications in drug screening, pharmacological research and toxicological studies.

The extensive portfolio of ready-to-use stable cell lines available from AMSBIO includes: Receptors (RAR a, IGF1 Receptor, Motilin Receptor MLNR...) ; Ion channels (CFTR, Nav1.7, Kv1.5…) ; Cell signaling (Notch, JNK, NF-?B, ERK…) ; Phosphodiesterases (aequorin, CNGA2, PDE1B…) ; Stem cell related (LGR5, OCT4, LIN28) ; Fluorescent (GFP, RFP, CFP, YFP) ; TetR ; Luciferase ; CRE recombinase / reporter ; p53 and DNA repair gene knock-down cell lines (PARP1, MUTYH, MSH2, MLH1, XRCC6, BRCA1, NBS1…).

AMSBIO also has extensive experience in cell line development and has an excellent track record of developing demanding custom cell lines for academic, biotechnology and pharmaceutical organizations worldwide. Using a lentiviral system, AMSBIO scientists with many years of experience in cell line development will quickly establish an optimized cell line according to your specification. All AMSBIO custom cell lines are designed specifically to meet client specification as well as our own rigorous internal QC criteria, all within demanding timelines.

For further information on Stable Cell Lines please click on the company website link below.

