AMSBIO Introduces ALiCE - A New High-Yield Cell-Free Protein Expression System

6 Dec 2018
Holly McHugh
Administrator / Office Personnel

Cell-free protein expression (CFPE) is today used by protein chemists to quickly produce small amounts of proteins when screening DNA libraries. However current technologies are limited and there is a need for higher protein expression yields.

ALiCE® is a unique eukaryotic system, which yields an unprecedented 3 mg/ml of protein in batch mode. Even prokaryotic systems, which generally can only handle easy-to-express proteins, only get at their best 1 mg/ml protein in batch mode.

These higher production efficiencies achieved by ALiCE™ make it possible for biopharmaceutical researchers to detect a significantly higher number of candidates from each DNA library screened, eventually leading to a higher number of viable candidates for development. ALiCE™ also offers the option to produce larger quantities of proteins.

Alex Sim, CEO of AMSBIO commented “Leading-edge protein research demands speed and robust technology. The cell-free approach offered by ALiCE™ enables high-quantity protein to be produced and validated in days instead of weeks. He added "ALiCE™ is also superior to other commercially available CFPE systems in terms of protein yield, making it ideal for the discovery of new protein drugs".

The ALiCE™ cell-free protein expression system was originally developed by Dow AgroSciences in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME (licensed by LenioBio) and is already being successfully used in agricultural research.

