AMSBIO Launches New Products at SLAS2014

13 Jan 2014
Jenna Norman
Other (please specify)

AMSBIO, a global leading supplier of advanced Life Science technology has announced the launch of a 384-well version of the popular Alvetex®Scaffold 3D cell culture plates and MagSi-DNA sequencing purification kits at SLAS2014 (Booth 1513) in San Diego (19-21st January 2014).

The Alvetex®Scaffold 3D cell culture plates provide biopharmaceutical companies with a new tool to improve the predictive accuracy, productivity and biological relevance of the drug screening process. A typical application for this new product is in cancer cell cytotoxicity testing. The Alvetex® Scaffold 384-well plates allow scientists to grow tumour cells in a manner that better mimics the way these cells grow in vivo. It is then very simple to test the cytotoxic effect of novel or existing anti-cancer compounds using standard cell health assays such as MTT, XTT, extracellular oxygen consumption and many others. Researchers are then able to easily retrieve RNA and protein from the drug treated cells to study mechanism of action and look for biomarkers. Alvetex®Scaffold plates work seamlessly with liquid handling robotic systems further enhancing the high throughput potential of your cell based testing.

Also on display will be MagSi-DNA cleanFIX - an exciting new magnetic bead-based DNA fragment purification kit. This unique system features protocols that are specifically optimized for both post-PCR and post-Sanger sequencing DNA clean-up -all in a single kit. This dual use capability makes it valuable for either application, and doubly valuable to users who perform amplicon sequencing or other procedures that require both PCR and Sanger reaction steps. The MagSi system enables simplification and streamlining of lab operations, as well as reducing the cost of Sanger and next generation sequencing activities.

MagSi-DNA cleanFIX efficiently removes all unwanted solution components, including nucleotides, sequencing dyes, primers, primer dimers, enzymes, and salts. It involves no columns or centrifugation steps, and is easily automated. Independent tests demonstrate that MagSi-DNA cleanFIX delivers robust, cost effective, multi-use DNA clean-up in both robotic and manual environments.

For further information please contact AMSBIO now on +44-1235-828200 / +1-949-768-8365 or email

Founded in 1987, AMS Biotechnology (AMSBIO) is recognized today as a leading company contributing to the acceleration of discovery through the provision of cutting-edge life science technology products and services for research and development in the medical, nutrition, cosmetics and energy industries. The AMSBIO range includes specialist antibodies, peptides and recombinant proteins. In addition the company is able to draw upon in-depth expertise in extracellular matrices to provide elegant solutions for studying cell motility, migration, invasion and proliferation. Widely acknowledged as experts in cell culture, AMSBIO partners with clients in tailoring cell systems to enhance screening outcomes and eventual prognosis. With a range of molecular detection reagents, and a significant Biorepository the company can also provide tissue DNA, RNA, protein and microarray products. Key research areas for these products include: Oncology, Regenerative Medicine, Environmental Analysis, Cytotoxicity Screening, Glycomics and Stem Cell Biology.

