AMSBIO Offers Custom Designed Long and Highly Modified mRNAs

27 May 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

AMSBIO offers a proven service for synthesis of custom-designed, long mRNA and highly modified mRNAs. Working from customer supplied target sequence data - AMSBIO has the experience, expertise and facilities to provide a complete, high quality mRNA custom design service. Synthetic mRNA from AMSBIO is supplied highly purified and ready-to-use.

Following chemical synthesis of the synthetic DNA, the dsDNA fragments are cloned in a plasmid, purified and full sequencing documentation produced. PCR amplification of the cloned inserts with the primers is then undertaken, purified using spin columns and the resultant DNA template characterized by capillary electrophoresis. The subsequent RNA synthesis uses proven in vitro transcription methodologies and the resultant custom designed mRNA product is then highly purified and fully characterized ready for your use.

While long mRNA can be used as a standard, internal control and for in vitro diagnostics, synthetic modified mRNA is the most advanced and safest method for deriving iPS cells. AMSBIO now offers a non-integrating strategy for reprogramming stem cell fate based on the administration of synthetic modified mRNA that greatly increases efficiency whilst reducing the innate antiviral response of viral protocols.

Additionally modified mRNAs can be used as templates for in vitro translation. ψ-containing mRNA is translated more efficiently than its unmodified counterpart, which results in higher protein expression. In addition to the well-known benefit of 5‘-capped mRNAs for mammalian in vitro translation systems, the internal base modifications also have significant effects.

