AMSBIO's ScreenIn3D wins ELRIG drug discovery innovation prize

16 Dec 2019
Arran Tabary-Davies

ScreenIn3D, a partner of AMSBIO, has been awarded the prestigious ELRIG Prize for Innovation in Drug Discovery at their flagship conference Drug Discovery 2019 which recently took place in Liverpool, UK.

ELRIG Drug Discovery has become the largest meeting of life sciences industry professionals in the UK. The 2-day event brings together more than 1200 delegates and over 100 exhibiting companies from around the world to highlight the latest ground-breaking research, discuss cutting-edge advances in the application of laboratory technology to understand disease biology and to identify novel chemical and biological candidate drugs.

Steve Rees, ELRIG Chairman and Vice-President of Discovery Biology at AstraZeneca said “We are very proud to present our 2019 Innovation Award to Screenin3D. They have developed a fantastic technology that has direct application in target discovery including screening CRISPR libraries to identify novel drug targets, combination screening in discovery and determining treatment regimes in the clinic. These attributes were very fitting to this award and demonstrates true innovation within the Drug Discovery space. We wish Screenin3D continued success and look forward to seeing them at many more ELRIG events.”

Dr. Michele Zagnoni, Chief Scientific Officer of ScreenIn3D said: "We are delighted to have received this important innovation prize that recognizes the groundbreaking screening services that we are able to provide to help drug developers validate the effectiveness of their compounds". He added, "Combining the latest advances in microfluidics and 3D culture in a unique screening platform, the service we provide has already shown real benefits to organizations developing improved anticancer drug treatments, helping them to accelerate the introduction of personalized medicine solutions for this important area".

ScreenIn3D's innovative screening service combines the latest advances in microfluidics and 3D cell culture to enable life scientists to study the effect of drugs (and their combinations) on various cell and tissue types.

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