Anagnostics Partnership Announced for Rapid Identification of Sepsis

5 Jul 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Anagnostics Bioanalysis has announced that it is to enter into a license agreement and partnership with Molzym (Bremen, Germany) to commonly develop hybcell Pathogens DNA, a ground-breaking system for rapidly identifying sepsis causing pathogens out of whole blood.

The deal includes the in-licensing of Molzym’s SepsiTest™ sample preparation kit, which is used for DNA extraction from only a small number of pathogens found in sample material. Together with Anagnostics’ disruptive multiplexed hybcell technology identification of pathogens will be accomplished in less than four hours, improving the prognosis of septic patients significantly.

Early and fast diagnosis of pathogens is crucial for the survival of patients – especially in the initial phase of a developing sepsis. Testing from whole blood overcomes the need for microbiological breeding and reduces time for test results from one or more days down to four hours.

