Analysis of analytes in a biological matrix

22 Jan 2007

Available from Porvair Sciences Ltd is an application note describing the operational benefits of using their innovative Microlute™ Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) system for analysis of pharmaceutical compounds in biological fluids.

Using the Microlute™ with low sorbent bed mass SPE wells - analytes ranging in chemical nature from highly lipophilic steroids to water-soluble nucleoside analogues were analysed. The application note describes how the SPE, prime wash and elution volumes stages of sample preparation are significantly reduced using the Microlute™ allowing faster sample processing and increased method sensitivity. The application note further shows that the individual well capacity of the low sorbent mass phases used in the Microlute™ are more than sufficient for robust and reproducible analysis of pharmaceutical drug metabolites in the low ng / ml concentration region typically found in biological fluids.

Developed in conjunction with a leading pharmaceutical company the Microlute™ has become the benchmark for high throughput sample preparation across a range of applications.

The innovative design of the Microlute™ from Porvair Sciences Ltd offers all the advantages of automated and high throughput SPE sample preparation in a convenient microplate format capable of rapidly processing 96 samples in one go repeatedly and precisely.

Constructed from a single piece of moulded high quality plastic means that Microlute™ will not bend or distort because individual SPE cartridges do not have to be repeatedly plugged in and out. Using a proprietary sorbent slurry loading technique, Porvair has eliminated the channelling effects often limiting the performance of dry powder loaded SPE columns. Each well on the Microlute™ has an individual drain spout ensuring 100% sample transfer and zero crossover contamination. Working closely with the leading automated liquid handling companies has ensured that the Microlute™ delivers high productivity, trouble-free operation with all robotic sample handling and preparation systems.

For copy of Microlute™ application note 3 please contact Porvair Sciences Ltd.

