analytica 2014: More Knowledge and Practical Tips Directly from the Source

27 Mar 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Just a few more days: Then analytica opens its gates from April 1–4: Besides an extensive range of exhibits and scientifically competent lectures, the outstanding program of related events is a special added attraction for visitors attending the fair. As always, they can look forward to a number of industry highlights and a wide range of practical tips.

analytica Live Labs
This year's Live Labs focus on three topics, i.e. food analysis, plastics analysis and genetic and bioanalysis. On each day of the fair, leading international manufacturers will present products and solutions in these categories live in Halls B1, B2 and A3. Renowned scientists and users will report on specific applications, the latest methods and techniques and innovative equipment systems in real laboratory surroundings. The 30-minute lectures and product presentations are scheduled for Tuesday–Thursday, April 1–3, 2014 (at 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00) and Friday, April 4, 2014 (at 11:00 and 13:00).

Forum program
In keeping with the motto "From practice, for practice", on each day of the fair the analytica Forums will feature concentrated technical knowledge that visitors can put to use in their everyday lives. The Laboratory & Analytics Forum in Hall B2 will give anyone who specializes in routine analysis business- and application-oriented tips for laboratory practice. Topics range from material analysis and diagnostic techniques to high-end analysis. Among other things, the Biotech Forum in Hall A3 will examine the topics of bioanalysis, drug discovery and bioprocessing technology.

Theme day: Personalized medicine
Where do things stand with personalized medicine today? analytica is dealing with this key topic within the scope of a special theme day: At the Biotech Forum on April 4 (10:00 – 14:00), well-known experts from the pharmaceuticals and diagnostics sectors and representatives of trade associations and clusters will discuss successes to date and the possibilities that this significant development present for diagnostics and our healthcare system. A list of all speakers and panel discussions is available online.

Finance Day
Biotechnology is an important key technology in which many investors are interested. However, many of them still view this industry with skepticism. The question of reliable financing remains a moving topic. At analytica Finance Day at the Biotech Forum on April 3, experts will present in-depth information about promising financing models.

analytica JobDay
On April 4, analytica will become a career springboard for everyone who is looking for a new career challenge in the sectors for analysis, laboratory technology or biotechnology. jobvector career day will allow industry professionals, technical experts and qualified entry-level employees to meet and gather information about their personal career prospects and hold conversations directly with human-resource managers. Finally, Student Day will give the industry's future talent an opportunity to get an overview of careers in the natural sciences such as biology and chemistry.

Ongoing education is everything
Anyone who wants to brush up specific aspects of their technical knowledge has a chance to do so at analytica: Once again, the independent training and consulting firm Klinkner & Partner is offering an extensive range of courses at this year's fair. In 20 half-day and full-day seminars, the analytica specials,experts will pass on qualified expertise in the areas of analysis as well as laboratory and quality management. A comprehensive overview is available in the complete seminar program. At "training islands" in Hall A2 (Stand A2.327), companies including Klinkner & Partner, Novia, Provadis and htw saar (Saarland University of Applied Sciences) will be on hand with information about the entire training and continuing education program.

Experience biotechnology
Whether it comes to insulin, a flu vaccination or laundry detergent: We encounter biotechnology products almost everywhere in our everyday lives. The "BIOTechnikum: Experience Research—Health, Nutrition, Environment" initiative of the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) will amaze this year's visitors with a very special exhibition stand in the Atrium between Halls A1 and B1. The Biotech Truck is a mobile, two-story interactive attraction that will give them fascinating insights into biotechnology research and applications and allow them to gather information from displays on specific topics, interactive exhibits and a multimedia educational game about this key technology.

