Analytik Jena’s Latest Developments at ACHEMA 2009

26 Apr 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

What kind of digestion does TOPwave facilitate? What is the USP of our all-rounder multi EA 5000? Which new analytical opportunities does the contrAA offer? What does "P" stand for in the new AAS ZEEnit P series? What makes the new multi X 2500 such a versatile environmental analyzer? What defines the liquid option of the solid sampler SSA?

These and other questions will be answered by our product specialists during ACHEMA 2009. True to our motto "Quality is the difference", we will be presenting our latest developments and innovations in the field of analytical instruments.

Visit us at our Booth H20-H24 in Hall 5.1 and take the opportunity of convincing yourself of our expanded product range. We look forward to meeting you!

We would be happy to provide you and your colleagues with free day passes. Simply contact us by phone or send us an e-mail and we'll send you the tickets directly.

