AnaSpec Introduces New HiLyte FluorTM 594 Fluorescent Probe

16 Jan 2009
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AnaSpec has introduceed the newest member of the HiLyte FluorTM family - HiLyte FluorTM 594 (Ex/Em=593/616 nm), a novel bright and red fluorescent probe. HiLyte FluorTM dyes are a series of high-performance fluorescent labeling dyes that span the full visible spectrum. These dyes have been optimized to yield maximum brightness when conjugated with macromolecules.

Available in a variety of reactive forms, such as amine-reactive, thiol-reactive and amine-containing derivatives - allowing easy conjugation to biopolymers. HiLyte FluorTM 594 has spectral characteristics similar to those of Texas Red® (a trade mark of Invitrogen for sulforhodamine 101 sulfonyl chloride), with excitation and emission wavelength at 593/615 nm in PBS buffer (pH 7.4), and 596/617 nm when conjugated to macromolecules. It has a higher extinction coefficient (80,000 M-1cm-1) and a lower correction factor (0.17) compared to Alexa FluorTM 594 (Invitrogen). The fluorescence quantum yield of HiLyte FluorTM 594 is 0.9 in aqueous solution. HiLyte FluorTM 594 conjugated streptavidin provides high fluorescence intensity and low background as validated in immunofluorescence staining of mammalian cells. Bioconjugates conjugated to HiLyte FluorTM 594 exhibit little spectral overlap with green-fluorescent conjugates, and can be efficiently excited by 568 nm line of Ar-Kr laser and by the 594 nm line of orange He-Ne laser.

HiLyte Fluor™ 594 conjugated proteins have been optimized in a specific fluorophore / protein labelling ratio to ensure a high fluorescent signal and uncompromised protein functions. The HiLyte Fluor™ 594-protein conjugates are suitable for immunofluorescent staining, in situ hybridization, flow cytometry and other biological applications.

