AnaSpec Introduces SensoLyte® 520 Calpain Kit

19 Nov 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

AnaSpec has announced the release of the SensoLyte® 520 Calpain Activity Assay Kit, the industry’s first longest wavelength FRET based calpain assay. Optimized for detecting calpain activity, this kit contains a novel internally quenched 5-FAM/QXL™ 520 FRET substrate.

Cleavage of this FRET substrate generates two separate fragments. The subsequent release of 5-FAM fluorescence can be monitored at excitation/emission=490/520 nm. Increase in fluorescence is proportional to the calpain activity. The assay can detect both calpain 1 (µ) and 2 (m) activities and is ideal for kinetic study of these enzymes. The long wavelength fluorescence of 5-FAM is less interfered by the autofluorescence of components in biological samples and test compounds.

