AnaSpec Offers Fluo-3 - A High Affinity Fluorescent Calcium Indicator

28 Mar 2008

Calcium plays a vital role in the specific and selective regulation of major cellular processes and is central in the regulation of cardiac contractility, growth and gene expression. Calcium indicators are small molecules that can respond to the binding of Ca2+ ions by changing their spectral properties. Recognizing the need for versatile tools for the detection of calcium, AnaSpec offers Fluo-3, a high affinity fluorescent calcium indicator.

Fluo-3 absorbs at approximately 506 nm and emits at 526 nm when bound to calcium. In the absence of calcium it is practically non-fluorescent. The higher Kd and longer excitation wavelength of Fluo-3 can have significant advantages over other indicators because of the reduced interference with sample autofluorescence. It demonstrates efficient excitation with laser-based instrumentation, including confocal laser scanning microscopes. It has been widely used for flow cytometry and is one of the imaging methods of intracellular calcium flux that is associated with GPCR dynamics.

