Andor Announce the Launch of Borealis®, Patented Illumination Technology for Multi-Focal Confocal Microscopy

12 Dec 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Andor Technology plc (Andor), a world leader in scientific imaging and spectroscopy solutions has announced the introduction of Borealis, patented illumination technology for multi-focal confocal microscopy. Borealis raises illumination of the Yokogawa CSU to new levels, delivering unparalleled uniformity, throughput and imaging performance.

Spectral Applied Research Inc. first introduced Borealis to the North American market in 2010 to great acclaim. Following the acquisition of Spectral in October, Andor now offers this breakthrough technology globally, accommodating all models of Yokogawa’s CSU10, 21, 22 and X1 scan heads.

Borealis improves uniformity by around ten times, increases throughput by a factor of two and extends excitation wavelength range to 400-750 nm. This results in higher image quality, faster acquisition where needed, improved image quantification and deeper imaging of thick or scattering specimens. Additional enhancements offered by Borealis include a flexible bellows attachment to the microscope for strain-free alignment, and field lens tubes to enhance imaging performance and allow adjustment of effective pinhole size. Adjusting the effective pinhole size allows CSU systems to be used effectively with lower magnification objectives, taking advantage of longer working distances.

Geraint Wilde, Product Specialist for Andor Microscopy Systems said “Borealis is an excellent addition to our Revolution portfolio and significantly improves the performance of our XD spinning disk product range. Borealis is available with new systems or as an upgrade to existing Andor and third party systems. We welcome the opportunity to provide this new technology to CSU customers everywhere.”

Meanwhile, Robin Battye, Product Manager at Spectral welcomed the global introduction, commenting “Borealis provides a set of innovative illumination and imaging enhancements for CSU products. Bringing these to the global research community has been possible now we are part of the Andor group. We will continue to innovate and find new synergies as we move forward with Andor.”

