Antibody Array Nanoscale Buffer Kit

23 Jan 2006

The Clontech™ Antibody Array Nanoscale Buffer Kit is designed for those who have limited amounts of sample and want to assay hundreds of cellular proteins in a single experiment.

Ideal for use with the Clontech™ Ab Microarray 500, the kit offers a gentle, nondenaturing method for preparing total protein extract from extremely limited samples, including fine needle aspirate, serum, tissue, and as few as 1,000 cells. The Nanoscale Buffer Kit provides a novel method of extracting and fluorescently labeling proteins from limited samples. The protocol saves sample and can be completed in just one day—from sample preparation to data aquisition. Specialized training is not required and the slides are compatible with commercially available fluorescence scanners.The extraction/labeling buffer is optimized for labeling with N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS)-ester dyes (including Cy3 and Cy5 dyes). The extraction/ labeling buffer, incubation, and wash buffers are formulated to minimize nonspecific background binding and yield a high signal-to-noise ratio.

