Anton Paar Release MCP-FillingCheck™ Technology for Improved Data Security in Polarimetry

7 Aug 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

To obtain a reproducible measurement in polarimetry error-free cell filling has to be guaranteed. Especially critical are air bubbles and mixture effects which are caused by changes in the concentration and temperature. Since the introduction of sample cells made of steel for the optimization of temperature control using Peltier elements the user can no longer check the error-free filling. This can lead to an incorrect determination of the sample concentration and resulting calculation of the specific rotation [α T L].

With the new and innovative FillingCheck™ feature of the MCP series from Anton Paar the transmittance of the optical path is automatically checked by a camera at the end of each measurement. This effectively eliminates measuring errors based on bubbles or gradients of temperature and concentration in the optical path.

As an additional highlight, the MCP series polarimeters from Anton Paar allow a picture of the optical path through the filled cell to be implemented in the results report. Consequently potential uncertain measurements can be easily eliminated and the accuracy of the measurement can be clearly documented. This is of particular importance for pharmaceutical quality checks.

