Anton Paar’s SVM™ 3001 Stabinger Viscometer™ for Petroleum Products

9 Mar 2016
Alex Waite
Editorial Assistant

Anton Paar's new SVM™ 3001 Stabinger Viscometer™ is a highly precise kinematic viscometer with an integrated density measuring cell.

SVM™ 3001 gives you more parameters than any other kinematic viscometer on the market. A single measuring cycle on a small sample volume yields kinematic viscosity, density, dynamic viscosity, viscosity index and more.

Temperatures down to -20°C can be reached without external cooling. No additional accessories such as capillaries, external chillers, and/or cooling liquids for measurement temperatures as low as -20°C are required. Temperatures down to -60°C are reached by use of an external cooler with methanol-free cooling.

With the density cell of SVM™ 3001 is integrated, the density measurement does not need to be carried out separately. One measuring cell covers the entire measuring range for viscosity, density, and temperature. Due to its measuring principle, the measurement duration is independent of the sample’s viscosity. A minimum sample amount of only 1.5 ml is sufficient for the multi-parameter results including calculation of API degrees.

Peltier elements allow for unparalleled heating rates of up to 20°C per minute. By using the special VI method, temperature changes are performed automatically, and the viscosity index is calculated in compliance with ASTM D2270.

SVM™ 3001 is characterized by unbeatable ease of operation - injecting of the sample by syringe ensures easy, safe, and fast handling as well as simple cleaning with minimized risk of leakage or breakage, but also low solvent and sample consumption. Multiple parameters are shown on the new 10x4” touch screen. Intuitive display widget shows measurement precision and repeat deviation for both viscosity and density at a glance.

FillingCheck™ allows for monitoring of the filling quality in real time. This feature saves valuable operating time by bubble detection already during the measurement. Productivity is maximized with an optional sample changer. The automation option ideally serves all applications where high throughput is required.

With the state of the art user management, including an audit trail option for a full traceability of your measurement, accounts for all of your users can be created. The storage capacity amounts to 1,000 data points. Data export can be conveniently performed via USB storage device, printer, or ethernet.

The new SVM™ 3001 is designed for testing a variety of petroleum products ranging from lubricating oils to jet fuel to biodiesel and much more. The unit performs the following test methods: ASTM D7042, D2270, D4052, D7152, and D6074.

