Antonio Peluso Tests the New SelectScience Website

Antonio, a pHD student, reveals how SelectScience helps him

22 Mar 2015
Beth Carney

Antonio is a SelectScience Advanced Reviewer, and has been a Member since June 2014

Antonio has been researching in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics ICB at the University of Minas Gerais, in Brazil, for five years, during which he has been published in five papers, including Circulation Research in 2013. He has recently joined the University of Southern Denmark to start a new project in the Cardiovascular and Renal Research Department, where he will specialize in cell signalling. Antonio has a keen interest in music and is very excited for his big move to Denmark this month.

Why SelectScience?

Antonio uses SelectScience to help with his research and to select the right products to use: “It helps me to learn about products. The first thing I look for on SelectScience is reviews of products. I also download the application notes, as they help me with the research of products. SelectScience gives me options about the products I can use in my lab. Once I have found a product I like, I can read the different method sheets for it.”

SelectScience helps me learn about products and methods, the reviews help to solve problems in my experiments


Antonio Peluso

University of Southern Denmark

About the University of Southern Denmark

The University of Southern Denmark was established in 1998, and in 2007 the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) was also incorporated into the university. The Faculty of Health Sciences carries out research in public health and treatment of diseases at a high international level, focusing on both prevention and treatment. The Department of Cardiovascular and Renal Research focuses on cardiac stem cells, diabetes-associated vascular changes, receptor pharmacology and cellular mechano-electrical transduction.

Although Antonio has used SelectScience to make purchases, he mainly uses the website to keep-up-to date with the latest developments in his technology interests, and to troubleshoot any problems he has with his experiments. “I was having some problems with my experiments and I used the reviews on SelectScience to help solve these problems,” he said. “I couldn’t find any answers about the Bertin Technologies Precellys so I searched for sites that might help and I found SelectScience!”

Beta Testing the New SelectScience Website...


  • The new search options – it makes searching more efficient, you can see all the information required in a purchasing process. It is now easier than before to find what you are looking for because of the new categories at the top.
  • The layout of the website – the site now looks lighter than before, very clean and simple. Sometimes people don’t realize how important a layout is. The font is easy to read and I can’t be impartial about the color, because I always prefer green.
  • The different communities are more obvious now and in particular the ‘Write a Review‘ tab. I think it is now a complete website for scientists, it has everything that you want.


  • The homepage gives the impression of a blog at first glance.

"Many thanks to Antonio for his feedback and continued support and contribution as an Advanced SelectScience Reviewer," Beth Carney, Reviews Editor

Learn more about University of Southern Denmark Cardiovascular and Renal Research
Find out more about Antonio

