AnywhereRaman Plug and Play Unit Combines Ease with High Quality Raman Measurements

7 Feb 2018
Lui Terry
Administrator / Office Personnel

HORIBA Scientific, a global leader in Raman spectroscopy systems and solutions, has announced its newest Raman instrument. The AnywhereRaman instrument is a self-contained product that combines a spectrometer, a laser, a ball probe and an acquisition computer all in one instrument, to easily obtain high quality Raman measurements without the need for multiple instrumentation or processes.

HORIBA’s new Raman product is designed for both portability and ease of use. It can go from being unpacked and set up, to first Raman measurements in under 20 minutes. These high quality Raman measurements can be obtained by operators with minimal training or experience.

The ball probe with TouchRaman™ immersion technology lets users simply touch the sample, and acquire data. The results are high-quality, reproducible measurements. Its excitation wavelength is 785 nm, with a spectral range of 150– 3150 cm-1.

The all-in-one AnywhereRaman unit is just 3.0” (H) x 9.8” (W) x 9.8” (D), and offers Class 3B laser safety certification, a keyed interlock switch and an electronic laser trigger as standard safety features. It comes with an integrated computer and acquisition software, a wireless keyboard, mouse and a monitor.

“Our new AnywhereRaman instrument comes with everything you need to take high quality measurements,” said Dr. Andrew Whitley, VP Sales and Business Development for HORIBA Scientific. “Its all-in-one design greatly simplifies sample and data acquisition.”

AnywhereRaman is extremely versatile, and can be used for applications as diverse as petrochemicals and biopharmaceuticals. Other applications include in-situ reaction monitoring in the lab or the process line, end point monitoring, QC of incoming materials, forensics, and sample monitoring at high temperatures and/or pressures.

AnywhereRaman is currently available in North America.

