Application Note for Analysis of Carbendazim in Orange Juice and Wine

14 Nov 2013
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Bruker has released an application note on the evaluation of matrix effects on the analysis of carbendazim in orange juice and wine using the EVOQ Elite liquid chromatography mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS). Carbendazim is a fungicide and a known endocrine with potentially harmful effects on human health.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has limited the concentration of carbendazim in imports to 10 ppb. Using the EVOQ, Bruker has developed a quantitative Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) method for carbendazim analysis in orange juice and wine matrices. The EVOQ’s sensitivity was demonstrated as detections of 0.005 ppb were made, far below the FDA limit. Click here to download the application note.

The application note explores the high sensitivity of the EVOQ Elite in evaluating matrix suppression effects for carbendazim analysis. Samples purchased from a grocery store were diluted with water using six dilution factors and spiked with 1 ppb of carbendazim. The EVOQ proved sensitive and robust to detect 0.005 ppb of carbendazim with good repeatability of 3.4% relative standard deviation (RSD), far exceeding FDA guidelines, demonstrating the EVOQ Elite can be easily used to ensure safe levels of carbendazim in fruit products.

Joe Anacleto, Bruker VP of Market Development, explained that “The EVOQ Elite delivers sustained high sensitivity for game-changing performance in high-throughput laboratories. Our unique PACER software provides exception-based data review for fastest sample to report times, which is of great assistance when dealing with large quantities of samples daily.” Anacleto went on to say that “with its robustness, the EVOQ Elite offers great advantages to laboratories conducting routine food and water analysis, as well as environmental monitoring.”

