Applied Biosystems introduces new TargetSeq™ Resequencing System for high throughput projects

9 May 2006
Kerry Parker

The Applied Biosystems TargetSeq™ Resequencing system is a new software system for project-specific optimisation of high throughput resequencing of smaller and targeted genomic regions, using the Applied Biosystems 3730 and 3730xl DNA Analyzers.

The TargetSeq system features a fast-run software module for the sequencing of individual exons or other small DNA fragments and it can produce 200 to 400 base pair reads in 20 minutes or less. This system increases the number of bases read by the 3730 Analyzer series to more than 2.8 megabases or 6912 samples (72 runs) per day, dramatically increasing the throughput of high workload resequencing projects in cancer and medical research.

TargetSeq software is easy to install and uses existing hardware, software and reagent components on the 3730 series analysers. It includes a new version of the KB™ Basecaller software optimised for heterozygote or mixed base detection. This latest advance in DNA sequencing means that the 3730 Analyzer series and TargetSeq software provide the only high throughput genetic analysis system with the flexibility to run both long and short fragments.

