Aria Diagnostics Names its New Assay – Harmony Prenatal Test™

9 Feb 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Aria Diagnostics has announced that its new prenatal test has been named the Harmony Prenatal Test™. The test is designed to equip pregnant women and their healthcare providers with reliable information to make decisions regarding their health, without unnecessary stress or anxiety.

The Harmony Prenatal Test™ is a directed non-invasive approach to cell-free DNA (cfDNA) analysis in maternal blood to detect common trisomies linked to genetic disorders. It utilizes Aria’s innovative multiplexed biochemistry assay, Digital Analysis of Selected Regions (DANSR™). This is coupled with a proprietary algorithm known as Fetal-fraction Optimized Risk of Trisomy Evaluation (FORTE™), to efficiently analyze patients’ blood samples. The FORTE™ algorithm incorporates the results of the DANSR assay, the percentage of fetal DNA in the patient’s sample and clinical information such as the maternal age, to provide a risk score for each patient.

“The name perfectly describes Aria’s goal of bringing harmony to patients, medical service providers and healthcare networks by offering an advanced prenatal test that is highly accurate, accessible and affordable to a broad population,” said Todd Whitson, vice president of sales and commercial operations at Aria Diagnostics. “The current landscape of prenatal testing can be cumbersome and confusing. We hope to streamline the process by providing this simple blood test.”
